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Kinder von aktiven Vätern entwickeln sich besser

Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am Dienstag 6. März 2007

Der Guardian berichtet heute über die Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), (a survey of 30,000 parents of 19,000 children born in 2000/01) und den ‘State of the Modern Family’ report der Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) in Großbritannien. Die Ergebnisse könnten der hiesigen Diskussion um die Vätermonate und flexiblere (Lebens-)Arbeitszeiten für Väter wichtige Impulse geben.

For fathers, though, early involvement is linked to positive development once a child is three. The EOC points to a “social revolution in fatherhood”, in which fathers are increasingly involved with their children’s upbringing and feel confident as carers, yet 63% felt they did not spend enough time with their new baby.

But the EOC says that, even allowing for recent reforms including the introduction of statutory paid paternity leave and the right to request flexible working for parents of young children, there remains a clear parenting divide between the “have and have nots”.

In 2001, 81% of fathers in professional careers had access to flexible working arrangements compared with only 46% of their low-skilled counterparts, and poorer fathers were also less likely to take leave around the child’s birth. …

Though fathers have equal access to the right to request flexible working, introduced in 2003, they are less likely to use it and more likely to have their request rejected. Since 2003, one in 10 fathers have approached their boss about changing their hours compared with one in five mothers, but 14% have been refused compared with 10% of women.

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