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Mothering on Fathering

Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am Montag 2. Juni 2008

‘Nicht überall, wo Familie drauf steht, sind auch Väter drin’, dies ist nicht nur hierzulande so. Aber es tut sich was. Selbst ‚Mütter – Magazine’ entdecken die Väter und schreiben über sie. RebelDad berichtet in einem aktuellen Blogbeitrag über den Bewusstwerdungsprozess bei, der die wertschätzende Haltung in den Vordergrund stellt, die ich leider noch allzu oft vermisse:

‚There is a new generation of fathers who are not second-class parents to their wives. They are fully present and know what to do. Just like mothers, they have to figure things out for themselves and learn from their mistakes, but more of them than ever are willing to show up and get involved. …

In addition, here are some other things I want to do to more actively include fathers in the pages of Mothering and on While we’ve always welcomed articles by fathers, we now want to encourage and publish them even more. Please send us your ideas and submissions.

We’re also developing a new regular department, „In His Own Words“: a short interview of a dad by a dad, with a photo. Look for the premiere interview in the July/August issue. Give us your suggestions about fathers to interview.  …

But we want to develop even more content for fathers on, and have asked Jeremy Adam Smith, of Daddy Dialectic, to help us set up daddy blogs: uncensored epistles about the experiences of real fathers. I’d also like to use our considerable experience in managing Web forums to host online discussions among daddies. I don’t know, however, if that again crosses a line, is condescending. While it’s important that Mothering facilitate intimate conversation among mothers and fathers, it’s also important that fathers have their own autonomy.’

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