Männer, deren Mütter erwerbstätig sind, haben eine positivere Haltung zur Gleichstellung
Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 2. Januar 2012
Der in der Zeitschrift ‚Journal of Population Economics‘ erschienene Aufsatz ‚Political regimes and the family: how sex-role attitudes continue to differ in reunified Germany’ von Stefan Bauernschuster und Helmut Rainer, steht momentan frei zur Verfügung. Schon die in der Einleitung aufgestellten Thesen sind geeignet, die aktuelle Quotendiskussion vom Kopf auf die Füße zu stellen und von der Symbolpolitik zu einer nachhaltigen Bearbeitung der bestehenden Ungleichheiten zu kommen:
‚Attitudes and beliefs concerning appropriate roles for men and women in the family and the workplace influence economic outcomes. First, there is evidence of a strong negative correlation between traditional or antiegalitarian views and female employment.
Second, differences in beliefs about appropriate sex roles across geographically differentiated groups turn out to have significant explanatory power for the work and fertility behavior of women.
Third, gender differences in labor market outcomes are not just the result of discrimination but also partially reflect women’s own beliefs about appropriate gender roles.
Finally, parental sex-role attitudes appear to play a significant role in shaping the attitudes and behavior of children. For example, whether a man’s wife works is positively associated with whether his mother worked, which could be explained by the idea that men with working mothers have more egalitarian views of sex roles.’
Abgelegt unter Frauen, Gender, Männer | 2 Kommentare »