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Archiv für Juni 18th, 2017

Vätertag 2017 – What Scottish dads told us

Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 18. Juni 2017

Zum internationalen Vätertag mal ein Blick über die Grenzen: Väter in Schottland sind vor dem 18. Juni vom Fathersnetwork nach ihrem tatsächlichen Engagement in Familie und Haushalt gefragt worden. Ein Ergebnis:

Väter engagieren verstärkt zuhause

As activist Gloria Steinem famously predicted, “women are not going to be equal outside the home until men are equal in it” – and our research shows plenty of progress in that department, with dads now taking an increasing share of the caring and domestic roles once stereotyped as female.


More than 50 per cent of dads now do at least half of the childcare, including 11 per cent who do most or all.


… and more than 50 per cent of dads say they now do at least half of the laundry, ironing and cleaning in the home.

Dazu äußert sich Sam Pringle, director of Fathers Network Scotland, fogendermaßen “We know that dads today do more than previous generations, but they’ve sometimes been criticised for just doing the fun bits like playing with the kids. Now we’re seeing more of the housework in there too!”


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