Haben Mütter und Väter unterschiedliche Rückkehrstrategien?
Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 2. Mai 2008
Diese Frage diskutiert RebelDad Brian Reid nicht nur in seinem, sondern auch in einem Beitrag im onbalance Blog der Washington Post. Seine Gedanken sind sowohl im Hinblick auf die Diskussion der Ausweitung der Vätermonate als auch vor dem Hintergrund der Frage, welche Rolle die Männer bei der Berufsrückkehr ihrer Partnerinnen spielen, interessant:
‚This is apparently the season for at-home dads to consider returning to work. First, M.P. Dunleavey penned a piece for the New York Times about her at-home husband’s impending move to go back to work full time. Then, The Washington Post Health Section, Mark Trainer raised the question of when his stint at home would end.
Both Dunleavey and Trainer make similar points by the end of their respective pieces: At-home dads rarely see their gig as open-ended. There is a point at which almost every at-home dad decides that re-entry back into the workforce is inevitable. Dunleavey even goes one step further, suggesting that perhaps the eventual return to the workforce is taken more seriously if you’re an at-home dad than an at-home mom:
In all my musings about the difference between the lives of male and female breadwinners, this is one I hadn’t considered. There are many women who are willing to run their homes, open-ended. I have not been able to find any research on this topic, but I suspect most men view the position as a stopover.
That most at-home dads have an exit strategy is not particularly surprising. The Wall Street Journal just ran a Q-and-A about a dad’s transition, and each year at the At-Home Dad Convention.‘
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