Arbeitende Väter wollen mehr Zeit mit ihren Kindern verbringen
Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 21. November 2009
Auch in Großbritannien machen viele Väter Überstunden und kämpfen gleichzeitig um eine Balance zwischen Beruf und Familie. Sie hegen dabei die nicht unberechtigte Befürchtung, dass ihre Nachfrage nach flexibleren Arbeitszeiten negative Auswirkungen auf ihre berufliche Entwicklung hat. Dies weist ein eben erschienener Report der Equality and Human Rights Commission nach:
‚Many British fathers are working long hours, struggling to balance work and family, and fear that requesting flexible working will damage their careers, a new report from the Commission has found.
The report Working Better: Fathers, family and work, launched on 20 October to coincide with Parents‘ Week, found that British men want to take a more active role in caring for their children. But four in 10 fathers say they spend too little time with their children.
One approach to balancing work and family commitments outlined in the report is to expand paternity and parental leave schemes. The Commission has previously outlined a series of fully costed policies that would help to meet the needs of businesses and modern families as part of its Working Better initiative.
Andrea Murray, Acting Group Director Strategy at the Commission, said: ‚Two-thirds of fathers see flexible working as an important benefit when looking for a new job. This highlights an opportunity for British businesses to use flexible working as an incentive for attracting and retaining the most talented of employees. Some companies which have adopted forward thinking policies towards families are reporting increased productivity, reduction in staff turnover, reduced training costs and an ability to respond better to customer requirements.“
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