Fathers matter – a LOT
Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 15. März 2008
Hot on the heels of other recent high quality research which has found a clear connection between strong and positive father-child relationships and good outcomes for children, comes a new and very significant research review from Upsala University in Sweden.
The researchers, who reviewed 20 years’ worth of child development studies, found that regular positive contact between a child and a father or father figure has a range of positive outcomes, including reduced behavioural and psychological problems and enhanced cognitive development.
One study they reviewed found father-figures to have particular influence; another found that in low-income families it was the non-resident biological father-child relationship that mattered more. In light of these findings, the researchers call on all professionals working with families to enquire about and actively encourage fathers’ engagement with their children from as early an age as possible – whether or not they live with their children full-time.
To read more about this research, click here.
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