Die drei wichtigsten Dinge, die eine ‚Familien Taskforce’ für Väter erledigen sollte
Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 21. Juni 2010
In Großbritannien hat der Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg die Einrichtung einer Childhood and Families Taskforce angekündigt. Das Fatherhood Institute hat konkrete Aufträge entwickelt, die sicherstellen sollen, das die Mitglieder der Taskforce Handlungsansätze entwickeln, die eine active Vaterschaft und eine geteilte faamiliäre Verantwortung und Elternschaft ermöglichen.
Die ersten Gedanken zu den 3 wichtigsten Aufgaben aus der Sicht des Fatherhood Institute sind:
1. Shared parenting and the system of parental leave
We need to be working towards a longer, and better-paid, system of reserved leave for fathers in the first year following a baby’s birth – to help cement into place the early paternal involvement which research shows is associated with a huge range of positive child outcomes; and to help redress the gender pay gap (currently 22% in the UK, compared to an EU average of 17%).
2. Better relationship support
The ability to develop a ‘team’ approach to parenting can help create more stable, satisfying parental relationships and thus prevent separation and divorce. Where relationships do break down, we need better mediation services and court processes which enable separating parents to reach the right decisions about how they can both continue to be actively involved parents.
3. Engaging men in childcare and education settings
Proposed changes to Sure Start have the potential for more effective engagement with more vulnerable families, which could increase child wellbeing and safety, and reduce social inequalities. But to be really successful, there must be an emphasis on systematically engaging with men in these families. So all professionals in these agencies (including health visitors) need to understand the importance of engaging with both mothers and fathers, and must be competent to fulfil that role. We also need more men working in the children’s workforce.
Wie sähe die Prioritätenliste wohl bei uns aus? Ich denke bis auf den in Deutschland bereits vorhandenen Ansatz der ‚Vätermonate’ gar nicht so unterschiedlich.
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