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Archiv für Oktober 15th, 2007

What Makes a Company A Great Place to Work

Erstellt von Hans-Georg Nelles am 15. Oktober 2007

In den USA ist der Herbst traditionell die Jahreszeit der Unternehmenswettbewerbe. From Working Mother magazine’s “100 Best Companies” to Business Week’s “Best Places to Launch a Career,” judges are sizing up employers’ flexible scheduling and other perks as criteria for coveted top-employer rankings.

Die Unternehmen spüren deutlich, dass das Zeitalter der Babyboomer seinem Ende zugeht und die neue Generation der Millenials andere Erwartungen an die Arbeitgeber stellt.

Im Career Journal des Wall Street Journal fasst Sue Shellenbarger die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammen:

Wide-open flexibility: Workers want a new, more fluid flexibility in work practices — versatile routines that work “whether you’re 20-something and trying to earn another degree, or over 30 and taking care of children,” says Carol Sladek, a principal at Hewitt Associates, Lincolnshire, Ill. Although Kevin Bourke, 30, general manager for a holding company, is still single, for example, the freedom to work from his Atlanta home was critical in selecting an employer; he wants flexibility to see his fiancée and parents, who live nearby, as much as possible, he says. …

The 50 employees at Motorola’s technology-acceleration group in Chicago all work flexible hours from home, Weiterlesen »

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